Video processor compatibility

Besides the usual 2D/3D formats (e.g. 1080p, 720p, frame packed, side-by-side), video processors are also capable of processing, converting certain special picture formats.

Sony HDR TD-20/30 1080i/60 Hz

Sony’s dual objective 3D cameras record 60 image frames with 1080i resolution per second per eye in 3D mode, which is obviously different from the Blu-ray 3D 1080p/24 fps format. Our video processors have the capacity to support this format as well, and display it on the passive 3D system.

nVidia 3D Vision

An active glasses method developed for computers, primarily for games by one of the largest video card manufacturing companies. Since for the continuous motion of fast video games at least 60 frames/second speed is ideal, it’s feasible for monitors with 120 Hz capability, that both of our eyes see 60 different image frames per second, alternately covering them. Even though this is more unpleasant from the point of view of flashing than modern active glasses used for watching movies, which shut and open 120 times per second, and it’s insufficient for the smooth watching of 24 Hz movies, motion is more continuous than in the case of movies, since the same motion is separated into 1.5 times more still frames, than in the case of 24 frames/second movies. Therefore motion is more realistic, but the flashing of the active glasses is more disturbing and exhausting than in the case of watching a movie, thus In our opinion the recommended playing duration of such 3D games is 20-30 minutes. Our video processors are capable of receiving nVidia 3D Vision format video signals as well, and adjusting it to our two projector passive 3D system.

120 Hzs monitor support

Our video processors make it possible for 120 Hz active 3D capable monitors to use such a signal source which they are generally unable to receive. For example, through the processor, the 1080p/120 Hz (from computers), or the 1080p/120 Hz (from computers) can be displayed in 3D on a XGA/720p resolution monitor.
